Eye Health Exam

Eye Health Exam

Dr. James Harper is a Therapeutic Optometrist and Optometric Glaucoma Specialist focused on whole eye health. Optometrist visits are more than getting a prescription for glasses or contacts; regular eye health exams ensure that your eyes stay as healthy as possible. Many eye ailments can be prevented, or at least improved, when a qualified optometrist makes a timely diagnosis.

Most eye health tests are quick, simple, and painless. Our office can perform them as a part of your regular vision checkup, or as needed on their own. We have modern high tech equipment to make your eye checkups as easy as possible.

During your visit you can be tested for glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and many other possible eye ailments. If you need a specific test feel free to browse the services on our site or call us to see if we can help.